Scan this QRC to donate for the Polar Plunge. Last day to donate is February 15th.
Attention Belleville High School students and staff: The Unified Department is seeking help with fundraising for the polar plunge, which will take place on February 18th in the BHS parking lot during school hours. We currently have 100 people signed up, but only around 35 people are jumping due to needing to raise a minimum of $10 to jump. Participants should bring a change of clothes, a towel, and a warm drink.
I have signed up and donated twice so far, and I have also had family members donate because donating is easy with the website. You can scan the QR code found on our website to donate yourself. Our goal is to raise $10,000 before we jump, and we are currently at about $7,300. We have under a month to hit our target, so every little donation helps! Anything from as small as $0.50 to as big as $100 is greatly appreciated and the Unified Department thanks you!
The Unified Department also collected pledges during all lunches from January 6th to 10th. Students can make donations to support friends and teachers jumping. To start, we had nine teachers who planned on jumping and with a little help from our school, we could get up to eight more teachers to jump. Currently, the teachers jumping include Sprague, Crane, Parker, P. Slingerland, Rosenblum, Bonham (Profe), Darket, Mynarcik, and Halliday. Since we raised $5,000, Holt, Hosman, and Zelenick will also be jumping. If we raise $7,500, Kidder, Lang, and Said will jump, and if we hit our main target goal of $10,000, Davenport and Melo will be jumping!
This event will be fun to promote awareness for Special Olympics and kids with learning disabilities. All donations are sent to Special Olympics, who help provide transportation for leadership conferences, games, as well as opportunities such as this one to our school. They also give money back to our Unified Department so we can get new equipment and have end-of-season awards for all players as well as our banquet. Come jump with us and help the Unified Department reach its goal!