Valentine’s Day is approaching and it’s that time to start looking for a significant other. There are a lot of questions to be asked, where do you want to be taken out too? What kind of gifts do you want? Most importantly, what kind of person do you want to spend your Valentine’s Day with?
In an interview with Martilleo Derby, he was asked what he believed to be the most important quality he looks for in a significant other. Martierllio replied with, “I think for me the number one thing I look for in someone is if they have to have money, like some kind of job or hustle. Money from their parents is cool and all, but it makes them mature when they make their money on their own.”
I agree, especially in relationships between high school upperclassmen, that you should have some kind of way of making money. I understand school is the main priority for a lot of younger individuals, but there are many different ways to get a bag. It doesn’t have to be a lot but 100 dollars a week adds up over time. I believe a lot of people, especially the younger generation, struggle to be independent and make money on their own, although that is a trait you can acquire over time.
In another interview with Kelly Williams, I asked him the same question and additionally asked that he tell me what he believes the least important qualities are and why. Kelly responded with, I like a girl with a good body and very pretty. I’m more attracted to someone’s physical qualities. I just can’t deal with someone who isn’t that pretty, it’s like a low standard thing, there are a lot of important key things for me when it comes to my significant other but I just think, looks are most important for me. I also like mature girls. I’m only a sophomore but I definitely know what maturity and immaturity looks like. I feel like we should be able to communicate and talk things out properly and solve problems. I don’t see the point in begging someone to communicate with you, if they like you, it comes naturally. And the least important thing is how much money you have, I can care less about that, just don’t be broke.” stated, “Good communication, each partner should speak honestly and openly to avoid miscommunication. If one person needs to sort out his or her feelings first, the other partner should respect those wishes and wait until he or she is ready to talk.” I agree with this, I feel like a lot of times people tend to bottle up their feelings and forget that they have to consider their partner’s feelings. It’s okay to get mad and upset but it’s not okay to hide things and act like things are fine when they clearly are not.
In one last interview with Jordyn Ellis, she states that, “The number one quality I look for is good communication, it really makes me mad when clearly something is wrong and they don’t want to talk about it, it leaves me in the dark and keeps me wondering.”
In conclusion, it looks like the most sought-after quality people look for in a partner is good communication. Though good communication is pointless without understanding how they feel and what they are trying to express to you. I used to believe good communication is the key to all relationship problems but it’s more to that than good communication. Sit down with your partner and understand his/her feelings and why they think the way they do.