Belleville offers many programs for their students that can lead to new opportunities. Did you know you can earn college credits while you’re still in high school? Well keep reading and learn about the Early College program that offers exactly that.
What Is the Early College Program?
The Early College Program is designed for students to have the ability to receive their high school diploma plus their associate degree or up to two college credits. There is another program called Dual Enrollment but don’t get them mixed up. In Dual Enrollment you’d take college classes either online or in person with a max of ten by the end of your senior year. In Early College you will have to take three classes in high school, take three classes at the college, and will be in the program for multiple years. To be able to do this, high schools have to partner up with colleges. Bellevill’s Early College Program recently partnered with Washtenaw Community College after changing from Wayne Community College.
The History
The program was first introduced all the way back in 1996 at Bard College at Simon’s Rock. Then in 2002 the Early College hIgh school Initiative was set. Which was established by multiple foundations like: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Ford Foundation. Here at Belleville High School the applicants who made it in the program were recently released within the week of February 10th-21st. The applicants who did make it will be taking classes through the program at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti.
Benefits & Importance
There have been multiple studies that Early College Programs have increased rates in graduation and positive outcomes. According to AIR, Early college purpose is to help students who might be low in income, of color, lack access to a rigorous high school education and need more preparation for their future careers. In another passage, AIR explains the information researchers have collected. It states, “They found significant and positive effects of Early Colleges on both high school and college outcomes for all students, providing strong evidence that promoting postsecondary access and success can be an effective policy strategy for improving postsecondary enrollment and completion rates.”
Being Organized
For students looking to start their college education path earlier, the Early College Program is right for you. Not only does it barely cost anything it also increases students’ chances of graduating and feeling more confident in college from extra support. Before thinking about applying to such a program it’s important to make sure that you’re staying on top of the assignments and assessments and organized. Being organized will help you be more productive and lead to productivity so you can turn your work in on time. Ms. Sprague has been the coordinator for the program for the past few years and just recently selected the most recent round of students who are aiming high and focusing on furthering their education after high school. As this program continues to grow, more future students will be going to college in the right direction. Make sure to stop by Ms. Sprague’s room to ask for more information!