Bipolar disorder (formerly called manic-depressive illness or manic depression) is a mental illness that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy, activity levels, and concentration. Bipolar disorder is a term you use when describing someone who has personality disorders and suffers extreme changes to their moods.
Bipolar disorder usually can appear throughout your family history , trauma or even mental illnesses. Some people believe that bipolar disorder and bpd ( borderline personality disorder) are the same and even though they have some of the same qualities they are very different conditions.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, here are manic episode symptoms and depressive episode symptoms and the information gained shows that manic episodes are the ones where your emotions become very hyper and energetic and depressive episodes are the darker feelings of emotions of being hopeless, loneliness, or worthlessness
Ways you can overcome or be able to manage your emotions are physical interactions like therapy. Having someone you can trust to talk to can be very beneficial and good to know you have a safe place there. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants known as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) for treating depression in bipolar disorder – along with lithium or other mood-stabilizing drugs such as valproate, carbamazepine, or an atypical antipsychotic but If you decide to take this medication there are side effects. According to WebMD, the side effects are “Nausea, Nervousness, Insomnia, Diarrhea, Rash, Agitation, Erectile dysfunction, Loss of libido and Weight gain or loss etc.” short-term hospitalizations can also be necessary during real or potential illness cruises.
I believe that people view mental illness victims as lonely , crazy or that they can’t get the help they need but you can find anyone to talk to or find ways to change the situation around and get the help you need. You shouldn’t let negative emotions or mental disorders get in the way of your happiness and you should be able to overcome your problems with help of others and a good support system