Black Ops 6 is a game that came out on October 25 at the price of $80 early access and $70 when it launched but had a release for some places a few hours early. Aside from release dates, Black Ops 6 was voted one of the greatest games to launch across all platforms like PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PS4.
For Xbox as a whole, over 52% of the Xbox platform played Black Ops 6 on release. The PS5-4 retrospectively had 59% of the platform on release, and the PC had over 80% of people playing on steam. Even though the game had a lot of people playing on release, it did not change the fact that this game ran dry almost a month later. Its current ranking is a 2.7 out of 5 from steam all this is all according to ING. . Personally, I believe that this game is a solid 3 out of 5. Many people think this game has nothing special with it. While some think this will be the game of the year, I believe this game is nothing special. Sadly, Its story is nothing different. However, its multiplayer is nostalgic for older fans of the game and the zombies are very acceptable in my current opinion. It’s nothing to freak out about and it has nothing to really bash at. It’s very interesting, but it has a good amount of bugs for zombies. Especially with the boats. They have tried to patch it, but the player base has found new ways to get around it time and time again.
With all of these current bugs and the very plain game design, this game would not be worth buying for the multiplayer or zombies. If you’re looking for a good zombie game, I would recommend Call of Duty Black Ops Two or Call of Duty Black Ops Three. These are simply better overall and are much cheaper due to how old they are. This shows you how newer doesn’t always mean better. With the information I have brought to light, I believe this game is not worth buying. Even if it’s a new game from a very popular franchise, that doesn’t make it a good game.